What Happens to My License After a Wyoming DWUI Charge?
September 27th, 2022

There are two separate license suspensions you must address after a Wyoming DWUI charge. The first is a 90-day administrative license suspension that goes into effect 30 days after your arrest. The second is a separate 90-day license suspension if you are convicted of a DWUI.
The team at Just Criminal Law can help you navigate these different driver’s license suspensions, get you back on the road, and minimize the severity of a DWUI charge.
Administrative License Suspension
Anytime you fail a BAC test or are arrested on suspicion of DWUI, you face an administrative license suspension through the Wyoming Department of Transportation. You can challenge the administrative license suspension by completing the form on the back of the temporary driver’s license you received at the time of your arrest. Failure to challenge the administrative license suspension will result in the automatic suspension of your license for 90 days, even if you are ultimately found not guilty of DWUI.
You should always challenge the administrative license suspension. You can avoid losing your driver’s license while your DWUI case is pending, and your lawyer can learn additional information about the information the prosecutor will use to convict you of DWUI.
Even though your temporary driver’s license is valid for 30 days after you were charged with DWUI, you have only 20 days in which to challenge the administrative license suspension.
License Suspension After a DWUI Conviction
You face an additional 90-day driver’s license suspension if you are convicted of a DWUI. In most cases, this suspension runs concurrently with the administrative driver’s license suspension.
The length of a driver’s license suspension increases with additional DWUI offenses. For a first offense, your license will be suspended for 90 days. If it is your second offense, you face a 1-year suspension of your license. For a third or subsequent offense, you will lose your license for three years.
If your license is suspended, you are not allowed to drive unless you are approved for a probationary driver’s license.
Requesting a Probationary Driver’s License
You can request a probationary driver’s license during your driver’s license suspension. To request a probationary driver’s license, you must send a written request for a record review to the Wyoming Department of Transportation, plus a $15 fee. To successfully petition for a probationary driver's license, you must show that a license suspension will make it difficult to obtain basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter, or education.
If your request for a probationary driver’s license is approved, you will be allowed to drive to work or school, to the store for food and clothing, and even to care for a sick relative. To qualify for a probationary driver’s license, you must submit the required forms, complete an alcohol assessment, finish a DWUI course, and pay the fees for a probationary driver’s license.
You are only eligible for a probationary driver’s license if this was your first DWUI charge. If you have had additional DWUI charges in the past five years, you are not eligible for a probationary driver’s license.
Reinstatement After a Driver’s License Suspension
When your driver’s license suspension is complete, you can request to have your license reinstated. To be eligible for license reinstatement, you must have completed the license suspension, have no other pending cases, have satisfied all court requirements, and pay the license reinstatement fee.
Just Criminal Law: Protecting Your One Shot at Justice
A driver’s license suspension after a DWUI charge can make life difficult. The criminal defense team at Just Criminal Law can help minimize the severity of a license suspension after a DWUI charge.
Our team has handled thousands of driver’s license suspensions after a DWUI charge. We know the laws and time limits that apply and how to minimize the likelihood and severity of a driver’s license suspension.
In addition to helping you get back on the road, our team will investigate the circumstances that led to your arrest, challenge the evidence that the prosecutor will try to use to convict you, and fight to have the charges reduced or the case dismissed.
Learn more about our team and how we can help. Then contact us today to schedule your personalized case review and strategy session.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is offered for educational purposes only. This information is not offered as legal advice. A person accused of a crime should always consult with an attorney before making decisions that have legal consequences.
Categories: DUI / DWUI / Drunk Driving